Rob Ainsworth spent his childhood in the wheatbelt town of Corrigin in Western Australia.
He and his twin brother John (who was an exceptional watercolour artist) enjoyed strong
memories of their early years, when the pace was slower, and things were simpler.
Rob went on to become a signwriter, which he did for 25 years, doing everything with brushes
and paint.
In his spare time he recorded actual scenes, or scenes from memory, using various mediums:
sketches; oils; acrylics; watercolour; pen and ink.
In his mid-years Rob had a number of books published by Scholastic Australia on drawing,
lettering and cartooning.
Some of his latest paintings incorporate signwriting on vehicles (which he did a lot as a
signwriter), cartooning, and a lively sense of humour.
Rob lives on a wetlands property on the south coast of Western Australia.
Rob at his childhood home in Corrigin
at about age 14, with Chris, one of his six sisters.
Rob at his art desk.
Rob teaching cartooning in schools.
Rob’s watercolour palette.
Rob’s home in the deep south of Western Australia.